Documenting the life and times of Mia Powell, one little postcard at a time.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Opening Day at GSW

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Governor's School West. Hmmm....
Okay, so the day started with me waking up at six in the morning to finish packing (it isn't even like I was procrastinating (it was just a lot to pack (c'mon, it's five and a half weeks long))). Anyway, I finished packing and we were out of the house between eight thirty and nine, regardless of the fact that my mother wanted to leave by eight. My family is slow.

The ride was painless. It's in Winston-Salem at Salem college, which is about an hour and seventeen minutes from my house. I slept, literally, the whole time.

We got there a little before ten, which is when people were supposed to start arriving. We had to wait a little bit though, and so we unloaded the car that was practically filled to the brim with my things. When we were able to go in, I got my key, some paperwork, and went directly to my dorm room.

  The campus is beautiful, despite the buildings being somewhat old and decrepit. This is Clewell Dormitory, where I'm staying.
This is the long, creepy, sometimes dark, always ominous hallway I am forced to walk down every time I want to get to my room.
This is my actual dorm room. 

It wasn't much to look at, and even now, with me being unpacked and organized, it still isn't anything to really admire. I arrived before my roommate, and so I got to pick out which bed I wanted, which was nice. Apparently I made the wrong choice though, according to my sister and mother. For starters, my roommate can look directly out the window and see the goings-ons outside. Also, my bed blocks a door that leads to our neighbors' room, which is apparently scary. Despite these two things, I slept like a baby last night (maybe I slept too well, since I woke up later than I had wanted)...
My sister and I also explored a lot, after getting me situated while my parent's went to a parent meeting. 
I took lots of pictures for you!

The campus is quite beautiful, but that isn't the best part about being here. Being here, I have made numerous friends (even if I am extremely bad at remembering their names and faces) who are all so special and different, yet all have a certain air about them. Everyone is polite, honest, intelligent and open. It is truly a unique experience like none other. I am not only extremely honored, but also so grateful to have been selected to be a part of this amazing program. Already, my experience here will be remembered for the rest of my life.

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